The Human Village

How to Help

Welcome to a community where compassion meets action. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future.

Women holding heart
Group of young volunteers packing clothes in boxes to give it to people in need

Who can help

To those who wish to make a difference and help those in need, we invite you to join us in our efforts to provide support and assistance. Whether through volunteering your time, sponsoring our initiatives, or making a donation, we appreciate any contribution you can make to our cause.


Dental Care

The Human Village helped establish a network of dentists and dental clinics, which are providing is Ukrainian refugees with free dental services. The services are provides in several major cities in Israel


Native English speakers who are experienced with English proofing

We invite you to join and assist a social initiative that provides information to war refugees and Olim who have arrived in Israel from Ukraine and Russia.

A woman looking at app

I need help!

Check out the directory of services and resources near you.

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The Human Village

Helping people who have fled the war in Ukraine to get back on track and rebuild their lives.

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